Business Owner's Workshop
The business owner-operator's workshop to personal clarity, playing the game of business ownership, and maximizing independence
- September 12th, Woodbury Minnesota
- Morning workshop
- Afternoon panel
- Networking and happy hour
- 35 attendees (exclusive to business owners)
- Over 1,500 business owners have been through the workshop
4.85 out of 5 (1450 reviews)

The Old Way of Owning a Company
Work as hard as you can, focus on growing revenue and net income, and hope that you are growing the value of your company and have more cash in your bank account when you want/need it.
There is a Better Way...
Confidently do more of what you love with your time because you know the company has sustainable cash flow, is growing equity value, and can provide you with the income you need without being stuck in the day–to–day.
The Independence by Design™ Workshop
Independence by Design™ is the complete ownership system for owner-operators. It helps you generate sustainable cash flow, grow the equity value of your business, and free yourself from the day-to-day so you can have the independence to do more of what you love.
While countless systems help us "work in" the business, few focus on how to "work on" the business and truly “win” the game of ownership. The IBD™ Framework’s three steps—understand the game, choose your game, and play the game—help you create more independence over your time, cash flow, and equity.
Whether you're feeling stuck or ready to elevate your business ownership, this workshop equips you with the strategies to align your business with your life goals and maximize the full potential of your ownership.
Unlock the Power of Being a Business Owner
What's the History Behind the Content in the Workshop?
In 2009 when I started in our family business, it was doing $21 million and lost close to a million bucks. After five of the hardest years I've been through, I helped lead our company through an eight-figure exit. Since then I have spent every waking minute learning what we could have done different. My ten-year therapy session led me to create multiple businesses, start a podcast, and travel around the US speaking on hundreds of stages to share my story (Visgage, EO, CEO Nexus, industry associations, etc.). The result was the Independence by Design™ Framework and this owner's workshop.
IBD™ has three steps and an Ownership Roadmap™ that helps you maximize your independence through more sustainable cash flow, a higher equity valuation, and a business that allows you to do more of what you love.
Step One: Understand the Game
Learn how to use the business to design a life of independence. Clarify where you want to spend your time every day while building a company you are proud of that generates the cash flow and wealth you deserve.
Step Two: Choose Your Game
Clarify your ownership goals and leverage an advisory team. Use a new set of common understandings to get ownership on the same page by clearly articulating what each business owner wants, why, and when.
Step Three: Play the Game
Align the operations with ownership's goals and manage the business like a financial asset. The three financial statements should be used to create a strategic - and dynamic - financial roadmap that is tied to your goals and gives you visibility into the most important decisions you have to make.
The Results & Takeaways
Ownership goals need to be clearly identified, integrated into the financials, tied to business operations, and managed through a structured leadership and ownership alignment process (e.g., EOS©).
Registration and Welcome Coffee starts
Light breakfast and networking will start at 8:00. We'll have a hard start at 8:30, so please don't be late, even if you eat beforehand.
Independence by Design: The Business Owner's Workshop to Getting Unstuck
Through the Independence by Design™ Ownership Framework, you can design a business that aligns with the life you want. Learn how to generate sustainable cash flow while growing the equity value of your business so you can have the freedom to do more of what you love.
Ryan Tansom
Workshop Facilitator
Lunch Break
Lunch will be provide and accomodate dietery restrictions
Panel Discussion: Business Owners
Speaker and Podcaster Ryan Tansom will facilitate a panel of business owners who have been through and exited. The goal of this panel is for the audience to be able to ask questions to owners and entrepreneurs who have been through the entire life cycle of a business and have implemented the strategies that were covered/taught in the morning workshop.
Dave Hoeffel, Corey Tansom, Mike Frommelt,
Business Owner Panelists
Luke Maupin, Roger Roundy, Adam Webb
Advisor Panelists
Networking & Happy Hour
Networking and happy hour are sponsored by CBT Group. Workshop participants, the owner panel, and the advisor panel will have an opportunity to get to know each other over some drinks and snacks.
Secure your spot now
There are only 30 spots available for the event. Please grab your spot now or email if you have any questions.
Owner & Advisor Panel
Each owner and advsior has been in the trenches and understands what it means to own and operate a business. They have "been there before" and tell real stories of successes and failures that are hard to come by.
Dave Hoeffel
Dave Hoeffel, the former owner and CEO of Endurance Technologies, transformed his business into an investment-grade company to ultimately selling to Polytek Development Corp. Dave’s ownership journey started about 33 years ago when he went to work at his father’s distribution company. Shortly after starting they had an opportunity to buy a small line of epoxy products, which became Endurance Technologies. This business specializes in formulating epoxy and polyurethane products that fit its customers’ needs. As with all businesses, the journey didn’t come without its hardships. The Early 2000s recession with 9-11 and the bank pulling their note, plant fire in 2006, the great recession, and a global pandemic are just a few Dave and his team needed to overcome. In 2015, Endurance Technologies embraced the EOS/Traction model. This was a turning point for Dave when he was exposed to advisors who would help his business reach the next level. Dave's priorities began to shift after a lot of stress due to Covid regulations and uncertainty about the future. With the base customers and a new operational system, they were as prepared as possible to capitalize on the market dynamics. At this time, Dave used his advisors and decided to sell his business. 12-31-20 the transaction closed, and he is still advising Polytek Development Corp.
Mike Frommelt
Mike Frommelt is Founder and Co-Owner of Strategic Talent Partners (STP). Prior to creating STP through a merger, Mike owned and led KeyStone Search for 22 years. Through his years with KeyStone and now with STP, Mike has worked with hundreds of business owners, assisting them in hiring C-Level leaders to propel their businesses forward. Mike has also assisted numerous owners through transitions, helping them prepare for, and ultimately hire a President/CEO. This has allowed these owners to move into retirement, or step back in some manner from the day to day of the business without relinquishing ownership.

Mike has a bachelors degree in Psychology and Business Administration from the University of St. Thomas and has spent his entire 30+ year career providing executive search, recruitment and talent consulting for small & medium sized, privately held businesses.
Corey Tansom
Corey Tansom started an office technology company from scratch in the 90s, hit the Inc. 5000 and Fastest 50, reached $21 Million, had 115 employees, and sold it for eight figures to a competitor. He is now the founder of CBT Group and partners up with Strategic Associates to help business owners mitigate their annual and long-term taxes. If he had had a tax mitigation specialist on his team along the way, he’d have millions of dollars more, more exit options, and would have been able to capitalize on more opportunities. We've experienced firsthand the highs and lows of entrepreneurship.
Roger Roundy
Strategic Associates is a Risk Mitigation firm focused primarily on the education and implementation of tax mitigation strategies. Throughout his years of risk management and tax mitigation services, Roger has helped 100’s of business owners and individuals find solutions to protect their incomes from the wealth-eroding factors of risk and taxes. As the CEO and Director of Operations for Strategic Associates, Roger thrives on providing value using innovative but sound tax mitigation strategies to help his clients reduce their tax liability and provide options for properly positioning those savings. "Work hard, play harder, and provide opportunities for others to do the same" has been his M.O. during his business life. Roger has been married for 24 years and is the father to 5 wonderful children. He is an avid outdoorsman and loves to spend any spare time he can find, either biking, skiing, snowmobiling, or hunting. Life is busy, and a passion for working with other successful business owners has directed his path to tax mitigation and the extreme value and opportunity it provides to his clients.
Adam Webb
Adam is a Managing Partner and Owner at Quazar. His primary focus is leading the sale/acquisition process with clients, and he also extensively manages prospect relationships and general business development. Adam is passionate about advocating for and representing privately held businesses in the lower middle market. He believes investment banks have historically underserved these businesses, and he takes great pride, as does all of Quazar, in serving this market. Adam has successfully led deal teams and negotiated favorable outcomes for his clients in dozens of transactions with an aggregate value of hundreds of millions of dollars. He utilizes a collaborative approach to maximize value for his clients while ensuring the deal ultimately gets closed.
Lucas Maupin
Luke Maupin, joined Bremer Bank in November of 2023. He is a seasoned business development officer with 16 years of experience in the commercial banking industry and holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and entrepreneurship from the University of St Thomas. Recognized for his innovative sales tactics rooted in the art of developing trust, Luke’s strategic acumen extends to a strong reliance on banking automation and treasury management services. Before joining Bremer, he consistently prioritized building meaningful and lasting relationships through experience as a relationship manager and BDO at US Bank, Wells Fargo, Bank of the West, and American National Bank. His commitment to fostering genuine connections makes him a trusted unifier of various business lines, contributing to the success of the banking groups he has been a part of.
Event venue
Courtyard St Paul Woodbury
Full Service Courtyard St Paul Woodbury located minutes from Downtown St. Paul. It's a beautiful new hotel surrounded by shopping, restaurants and convenient on/off from the Interstate.
185 Radio Dr, Woodbury, MN 55125
Frequently asked Questions
Who should I bring?
The Independence by Design™ Workshop is great for partners and key executives so everyone can get on the same page.
Who is the ideal audience?
This workshop is ideal for business owner-operators, their partners, and key executives. This material is geared toward people who own some or all of their company and want to learn how to generate more sustainable cash flow while growing the equity value of the company. This is not a workshop for startups who want to raise money.
Are meals included in the ticket price
Yes. There will be a light breakfast, lunch with dietary restrictions available, and happy hour.
Is there a discount for group registrations
Yes, there are. Please book a call or email with any questions and details about your situation.
What is the dress attire?
Dress in whatever makes you feel like the best version of yourself (outside the house ;-). Business casual is what most people like to wear.
What are the hotel accomodations?
Reach out to the Sheraton hotel with your details. They have great service and a reasonable rate.
Will there be any hard sales pitch?
This is a learning-first event. I typically have sponsors and between the panelists and the happy hour, there will be an optional presentation from our sponosors. We want to make sure that everyone who attends walks away with a lot of value and loves the workshop so much that they are willing to tell their friends about it.
How can I learn more about sponsorship opportunities
If you are an advisor and want to know more about sponsorship opportunities or how to participate in the next panel, please contact Ryan Tansom at